I'm here and still recovering... slowly. Apparently I'm not a quick and easy one, unfortunately. I still have this strange, annoying gas bubble feeling that travels from the bottom of my esophagus up to the top of my throat and just stays there. I can't burp it out. Ouchie.
Other than the gas pain, I feel pretty darn good. I cheated and moved onto full liquids a couple of days before I was supposed to. :p But I kept it reasonable and watered everything down to a runny state. I just couldn't take the broth anymore! And I boycott jell-o for the rest of my life.
So I haven't felt like being on the computer much. I'm getting in my daily walking and then some with my shop-aholic husband. :D And my work screwed me over and didn't schedule me until NEXT weekend. So I'll be working the next three weekends in a row only. Yeah, only. I just went from part time to no time. Thanks guys. But, on the bright side, it gives me almost 2 weeks to recover before I have to be on my feet for 9 hours a day. I guess that's a good thing. :]
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