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Day #3.

So day three of my clear liquid/sugar free diet is going pretty well.  Honestly I think it's because I've been off of work these last three days so tomorrow will be the real test.  I don't have any headaches or severe fatigue or anything so I'm very thankful for that.  But then again, I haven't really been on my feet and running around like I will be at work tomorrow.

My date is quickly approaching!  I'm getting more excited by the day... and a little more nervous too.  I'm more nervous about the day or two after surgery than the surgery itself.  I also worry that a week isn't going to be long enough off of work since I'm on my feet 8+ hours a day, running around.  But we'll see, won't we?

Well I'm off to have a delicious lunch of chicken broth... again... D:


Chrissy said...

You are going to do this and you will give it your all, don't worry. It also helps to have someone to be there when you get out. The first day or so are rough depending on which surgery you chose. You're allowed to be nervous , that's normal. Just take it easy on yourself and don't hesitate to tell your boss if you need to go home, nothing is worth your health honey. Im rooting for you

Amy said...

Thanks, Chrissy. You rock! That was so sweet... it made my morning.

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