Welcome to my blog :)



Busy, busy!

So the last couple of days have been a little hectic.  I'm trying to get everything together for next weekend (Mexico!) and it's not working out so smoothly!

And my World of Warcraft account has been hacked.  Again.  This is the second time this month.  I've logged on maybe three times in two months, so I don't know what the deal is but it's very irritating.  So I've downloaded a slew of anti-malware and anti-viruses to try and get the keylogger but I'm not having much luck.  So I'm a bit stalled on that for the moment.

I finally got all the wood work painted in the hallway and two doors... so yay for that.

Today is my first full day at work... although it's still all training... it's still 8 hours!  And I was told I was going to get paid by now... but there's nothing in my account which I'm going to ask about today.  Believe that.  I was my 2.5 hours of training money!

Ruby still hasn't ate.  That's that.

Ben and I are looking into new phones.  I'm thinking the Samsung Fascinate.  Anyone have that?  I really want the Droid but I just don't have the money... and the Fascinates are buy one, get one free.  (Actually, buy one for $200, you get the other one for $200 and you get $200 in mail in rebates.)  I sure do hate mail in rebates.  

Well I guess that's it for now.  Take care blogworld!


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